A working mom shares tips on green living

Over the past few years, I have been trying to educate myself on healthy eating and living habits that are beneficial to my immediate family and also have a positive impact on our environment.

Now, many of my close friends are busy moms and dads, work full time, and are overcommitted at home and/or at work. On the other hand, they are also responsible parents who want the best for their families, and would like to have a positive impact on their environment… as long as it’s not ‘too inconvenient’.

If you know me, I am also all of the above! So, I’d like to take a step in the right direction by starting this blog to share tips on green living – these could include topics as varied as healthy eating, green cleaning, recycling, composting, or any other eco-friendly activities.

The tips I share here are by no means original – you may have already incorporated them in your own lifestyle, or know someone who has… my goal is to gradually include healthier and environmentally more responsible habits in our lives – one change at a time – perhaps its my long experience as a software implementer that makes me want to ‘projectize’ every aspect of my life, or the firm belief that small, gradual changes can add up to make a big difference… and honestly, its just less daunting to make small changes, instead of trying to do it all at one time!

Every tip I share with you here will be something I have researched, and incorporated in my own life. I will also share resources where you can find more information.

I would love to get your feedback, and welcome any eco friendly tips that you may have used and would like to share …

Saturday, April 12, 2008

April 22 is Earth Day!

What Is Earth Day?
Earth Day falls every year on April 22, in celebration of the importance of the environment and to encourage action. It was initiated in 1970 by Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson, who started a “teach-in” to protest the government’s environmental ignorance. This eventually led to legislation including the Environmental Policy Act (1969), the Clean Air Act (1970), the Clean Water Act (1977) and fuel efficiency standards for automobiles.

So how are you going to make a difference this year?
Here are some ideas to get you started...

Check out this Earth Day 2008 Calendar of Events around the world!

Volunteer with Sierra Club
Volunteer or attend any of these events where Sierra Club is a participant

Ideas for Green Living from Greenpeace at home, in your yard, at work, in your community

For my friends in PA
Earth Day at Silver Lake Nature Center
April 19, 2008
9:30 am to 3:30 pm
Bring the family for a day of fun activities!

Earth Day Activities Just for Kids
Earth Day Crafts
Celebrate the planet with these fun Earth Day crafts

Earth Day Games
Go green and celebrate the planet with these fun (and free!) online Earth Day games and activities

Growing Plants
Help your kids learn to garden and plant and grow seeds with tips and tricks they can try

Earth Day Take Home Kit
These web resources provide tips that you and your family can use to protect the environment and your health, while celebrating Earth Day.

Incorporate environmentally-themed reading into your child's library. Check out these "Green Reads"

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